'crus ' lower-limb prosthetic

Experimental design process for additive manufacturing of lower-limb prosthetic


The objective for this lower-limb prosthetic  project was never to design something special or beautiful, but rather a learning experience to understand the nature of lower-limb prosthetics and to develop a design process that could potentially be used to implement within rural communities that have limited access to lower-limb prosthetics.

The current industry to provide lower-limb prosthetics in developing countries  has shifted the model to providing 3D printed prosthetics, however the process in which to produce these designs still heavily rely on complex  and advancing technological programs. Furthermore the process and equipment to produce a 3D scan for a lower-limb socket its self are still significantly expensive . What if it was possible, to reduce the cost to create a lower-limb prosthetic ? Not only from the materials its produce from but also from the equipment being implemented within the design process.

Through significant research and several attempts,  I was able to produce a simple design process that uses almost all free CAD base programming.  From using the trial free version of 3D  Zephyr to develop a  3D scan, to using Meshmixer to creating the final model(except for the final program to produce the final render and combining of the final design) the result of this design process has shown potentials. Could this process be used to allow amputees to become their own designer and the doctor of their own assistive devices? Simply having access to 3D printer, a camera and free programs will allow you to create such interesting solutions such as this.


This is a research progress and the design process to develop this lower-limb prosthetic hasn't undergone any certification. Therefore i am not in any way responsible for any injuries, damages caused or inducted on by this design process.