'Push 'n Swivel' cardio device

Inclusive resistance and cardio exercise machine, co - designed for independence


In 2019 I had an amazing opportunity to co-design with medical experts and engineering to help design a custom exercise machine for Mary Henley Collopy, in collaboration with TOM: Melbourne . Tikkum Olam Makers : Melbourne is a not-for-profit organisation, who is dedicated to creating extremely affordable solutions for neglected needs of people with disabilities, and other disadvantaged individuals and communities around the world" create and deliver extremely affordable public domain (no IP) solutions to neglected needs of disempowered people.

Mary our 'Need Knower' is affected by Thalidomide, has no arms, negligible leg function and is a full-time electric wheel chair user . Mary's challenge was to increase her functional capacity; reduce her risk of chronic disease and condition her cardiovascular system , by designing a custom apparatus to enable her undertake regular resistance and whole body exercise .

After transferring onto the machine, Mary can engage in a cardio exercise by rotating her torso to either side, sliding up and down an undulating, CNC cut, wooden ramp that provides her with resistance through her own body weight. For strength training, Mary pushes down on a sliding resistance arm that runs along track created with wheels from a skateboard and different weights.


" TOM: Tikkum Olam Makers is a global movement of innovators dedicated to creating extremely affordable solutions for neglected needs of people with disabilities, and other disadvantaged individuals and communities around the world" For this years 2019 TOM hackathon I had the wonderful opportunity to be selected to be apart of a collaborative team with medical experts and design engineers to help design a custom exercise machine for Mary Henley Collopy .